lipika sharma

Unexplored Gems in North-East India

Unexplored Gems in North-East India

UNEXPLORED GEMS OF NORTH-EAST INDIA   Now days even travelling is becoming hectic as because all people just want to take a break and wander somewhere. And those somewhere places are fixed, and all people go there. Now a days North-Eastern India is becoming a very famous tourist attraction. People use to go there for peace, but now when all… Read more →


The change I think we all want to see in the world in upcoming year is that nothing should be considered taboo. And nothing taboo should exist. In literal terms Taboo means “a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place or thing. And now days Taboo is the major… Read more →

Traditional ethnicity of Diwali.

Traditional ethnicity of Diwali.

Diwali festival of lights and joy. Main festive of Hindus and also celebrated by Muslim, Sikhs, Jains and other communities. We can say Diwali is also a festival of unity. Even a Fatima came to the house of Sarla with the box of sweetness and happiness. No matter what religion, being Indian and secular, Diwali has become the National festival… Read more →

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