Celebration of Diwali

Diwali is a religious of hindu festival celebrate as festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere on the homes streets shops temples markets etc  people of hindu religion wait very eagerly for this special festival  of diwali IT is the most important and favourite festival everyone especially kids and children diwali is the most significant and famous festival of india which being celebrated every year all over the country as well as outside the country people celebrate it very enthusiastically to commemorate the returnting of lord rama to his kindom ayodhya,  after  a long period of time of 14 years of exile after defeating the Ravan.  

Markets are decorated with lights just like a bride to give it a marvelous festival look at this day market is full of big rush specially the sweet shop kid get new clothes firecrackers sweets gifts candles and toys from the market people clean whitewash their houses and decorate with electric lights some days earlier to the festival .in the evening after the sunset men and women perform puja of godess of wealth lakshmi And god of wisdom ganesh .they had prepared a lot delicious recipes to offer their lord everyone was happy and greeted to each other children  were    also happy they run from here and there to show their happiness god and goddess to get more blessing health wealth and bright future. 

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