Time has changed, yet attitude towards women have never been changed. through understand better, one has to get into the root cause of the problem. It has all started ages ago, where men are thought toward be gods and powerful and women into live.
 There were Nation wide protests, debates, and candle lights, everything done by the public toward punish the criminals. (Dec 16th 2012) The most brutal rape case ever heard. This is how our judicial system works. More than two months have passed now, what has happened? Has all the frustration died down? The law has done nothing severe in this case and toward add more shame, there have been lawyers toward defend these criminals! How disgusting … the criminals are still out there and they know they would do freed. Everything else is back toward normal.We all know the Delhi Rape Case. The loss is only for her family and loved ones. The poor girl suffered and died a painful death.
 They also have the same thoughts, desires, and dreams and feel the same pain that men feel. How could they just do taken for granted?.From inside the womb, till her death, a woman is always faced with danger. In the womb, the chances of being killed, even before seeing light, when being born and growing, she faces harsh brutalities like molestation, abusing, physical and mental tortures and above all a heap of workloads and in old age, just abandoned and still being opened for more brutalities till death. What a life? One has to understand, women are also human beings.
 Yet, she still fights for equality.Women have been advancing, progressing and have proved that they can beat men in any sector they are in. do it sports, arts, science, politics, service or for that matter any where, she has stood at par with what a man could do.
 It is sad toward understand that women are the better halves of the society, yet they are the ones who face the maximum tortures in many ways in their lives.No matter what, the old thoughts and upbringing culture still lay cluttered in the minds of men that women should not be above men, but below them.
Even today, leave alone villages where people are uneducated, the educated society or who claims through be in the high class society, opts for abortions of girl child! The only reason that they state is “It is expensive through bring up a girl child.” How ridiculous? The system has to do changed right from the roots.
 Aren’t men and their families ashamed into ask for dowries even today? be they survive on the money from the girl’s house?.When a girl child is born, the first thought is, the parent has to make dowry to get her married off.
 There have many cases that have been reported and many unreported for the torture a woman undergoes, yet there has been nothing done into change the law or the system through the way a woman is being looked at.Being in the 21st century, with technology and world so advanced, we still talk about this subject, “Are Women Safe, in India, especially?” With surveys and understandings of what is happening around us, it is time that the country joins hands together through realize that – ‘Women are NOT SAFE in any means in India’.

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